Sunday, September 20, 2009

FIC aka fruits in ice cream

One of my favorite ice cream stalls in ATC relocated just adjacent Odyssey. I know they did it last month (and I was there when it opened) and I've been my lazy self that's why I just talked about this. Well, enough about me. Let's talk about the shop. Now, they have a bigger place with tables and chairs where we could enjoy our ice cream while sitting down in their quaint little corner. Also they are now serving ice cream in ceramic bowls and normal stainless utensils for dine in customers. It's a nice addition but I prefer my ice cream on their wafer cones with either Strawberry or Choco Mint. Yum!

By the way, they also added shakes, sundaes, and some of their own creations to the mix. Now we have more choices to sit back, relax, and enjoy an afternoon.


You just got to hand it to Takara Tomy they make a lot of very nice toys. I'm beginning to drawn to their works. Started with these two. A gc8 and an ae86 pull back pieces. They're just a little bigger than a P5 peso coin. While I was playing with the trueno I noticed that it kinda goes faster even after i've released it and seems to hop a bit when that happens because of the speed boost. Checked the box again and it said 2-speed. What do you know? A pull back that has some sort of VTEC yo?! (kidding!) After talking to a friend that has a couple of these, he said that I should place a coin at that back part. There is a little holder at the back of the coin to help balance out the weight. I had lots of fun with it. Only problem is I couldn't really find a place to fully utilize it. Guess I gotta get one of those tracks they also made for these babies or just put them in the display case and oogle at them.

Rechargeable Batteries & Charger

After getting the mini r/c you just gotta have spare batteries or buy really often. Since everyone is thinking "green" we got the rechargeable ones from cdr-king (as usual). We bought the charger that has two AAA batteries that come with it plus two other. Good thing about the charger is it charges AA, AAA and even a 9v battery. Sad thing is, the sales person I talked too said that the led light it has should turn green after charging is complete. I have been using it a couple of times and I haven't seen it turn to green (good thing there are instructions in the back on how long a certain battery is needed to be charged). My brother has one of these chargers and he too said that he hasn't seen it turn to green either. Anyways, it's a good bang for the back. And since it's does recharge batteries it lessens the electronic waste here in our house.

Brother's Burgers Specials

After watching too much true blood and seeing as the setting is mostly in the bar/resto. People in the background usually order fries, burgers, and beer. This got me to remember the sale the Brother's had a month ago. They shaved half the price of the 1/2 pound burger. After one burger and a couple orders of fries and a choice of soda. You'll be sure you just gained 1/2 a pound. I just wish they do another half price promo soon. I'm just soooo craving for their burgers again.

Caul ER by Takara Tomy

This has been in shelves of different toy stores around the metro for quite sometime now. Just recently, curiosity got me and now one is in my possession. It's a mini r/c car that fits the palm of my hand. It also comes with a very small remote that could easily be lost in your pocket. Was very excited unboxing it and putting it together (minus the part that I had to put very tiny stickers on various parts of the car to make it look less of just a shape of a plastic car). Placed the batteries and tried playing with it. While I was playing with it, I found out a not so good thing about it. The damned thing is controlled through IR. Meaning, you had to have the remote ALWAYS pointed at the car. It was quite annoying at first but then I realized that it was meant to be played on tables or short circuits that could be placed on flat floors so that you don't have to move a bit. After playing with it more, I came to realize that it is fun trying to dodge coffee mugs, pencils or other obstacles you would normally find in an office table. Great for killing time. Plus it's small enough to put in your pocket after your done playing with it.